We chose to have a blog because due to our un-traditional nature we found that a lot of items we were interested in are not available at conventional stores (ie. Canadian made). So in the hopes of easing some stress we will be posting our version of a registry here. Please watch for updates as things are purchased or added. You can contact us directly if you purchase an item or feel free to contact one of our parents. If you need a hand with online ordering they will also be able to do that.
You can follow the links below to other blog entries by category:
Contact can be made through one of the following e-mail address:
Amanda: amanda@creekshorefarms.ca
Ryan: ryan@creekshorefarms.ca - totally useless here ;p
Rosalyn Thiessen: mthiessen3@cogeco.ca
David Low: simkas.david@gmail.com We will not be finding out the gender of the baby and as such are decorating in the following colours: bright greens, ocean blues, chocolate brown.
Please note the following items that we already have:
Play Pen
Car Seat
Rocking Chair